See Q&A for Facts Not Fear
Thank you for your interest! To learn/do more...
I'm not looking for much. I would greatly appreciate your vote and if you feel comfortable, please forward this website to your friends and neighbors. You can send me a note through the contact form below if you are motivated to do more, I would be honored by letters to the editor, hosting me with a gathering of friends or neighbors or just host a yard sign. Or if you just need more information, please send me a note and I'll get back to you. If your question is shared by others, I'll post on my Q&A. Thanks again for your support and interest in the future of Eastern Carver County Schools!!!
If you would like to host one of my yard signs on your property, please send me a note with your address and confirm and deliver. To align with my less intrusive campaign approach, I will only have them up for about one month before November 8th. Thank you for your support!!!
Yard Signs